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Blog & News
& Gatherings
8th International Conference and Gathering of Elders
Jan 28-Feb 1, 2024
Shiksha Valley School, Dibrugarh, Assam
RIWATCH, Roing, Arunachal Pradesh
International Center for Cultural Studies, pursuant to its objective to create a global network of leaders who share the vision of universal well-being, as well as to cultivate strong bonds among native communities of Africa, Australasia, Europe, North America, South America and Asia, is excited to announce the 8th Triennial International Conference and Gathering of Elders.
The United Nations World Conference on Indigenous Peoples held on 23-24th September 2014, focused on good practices for realization of the rights of Indigenous Peoples and ways to consult and cooperate in good faith with them. Almost after about 9-10 years, meetings are still being held on how to achieve these objectives. The UN is still at the stage of discussing criteria for determining the eligibility of Indigenous Peoples' representatives. The structured system of UN and member states in such forums does not allow to capture the essence of multi-layered economic, social, cultural, political and spiritual challenges faced by Indigenous Peoples.
The 8th conference and gathering of elders from across the globe will deliberate on commonality among indigenous cultures that put Mother Earth in the center of their economic, social, cultural, political and spiritual lives. The expected outcome is how to work together to overcome the challenges of engaging with various International and Regional governmental and non-governmental forums and continue to pursue support for economic, social and cultural development within our global communities.
The deligates are expected to arrive at Dibrugarh Airport, Assam, India by evening of January 27th. The Conference will be inaugurated on January 28th morning. The last day of the conference is February 1, 2024. The delegates are expected to depart on February 2, 2024.
We look forward to seeing you January 27th. In the meantime please pre-register for the conference. We will get back to you with more details on your participation and tools you will need to attend the conference.
9th One Tree Gathering
UK | 2020 (Online Event)
First Gathering of Indigenous Youth
Colombia | 2019
8th One Tree Gathering
UK | 2019
Gathering of Indigenous Spiritual Leaders of South America & The Abya Yala
Colombia | 2019
Wisdom of the University of the Forest
Colombia | 2018
7th One Tree Gathering
UK | 2018
Empowering Indigenous Communities & Their Leaders
Colombia | 2017
6th One Tree Gathering
UK | 2017
Exchange of ancestral knowledge to strenghten the life principles of Yanakuna people
Colombia | 2016
Gathering of the Council of the Spiritual Elders of Colombia
Colombia | 2016
Indo Baltic Cultural Meet
India | 2016
5th One Tree Gathering
UK | 2016
5th Triennial International Conference: Universal Well-being
India | 2015
Resonances of Ancient Indian Cultures in the World
India | 2015
4th One Tree Gathering
UK | 2015
3rd One Tree Gathering
UK | 2014
2nd One Tree Gathering
UK | 2013
1st One Tree Gathering
UK | 2012
4th Triennial International Conference: Nourishing the Balance of the Universe
India | 2012
Values for the Sustainability of Emerging Indian Society
India | 2011
Eastern and Indigenous Perspectives on Sustainability and Conflict Resolution
USA | 2011
Continuity and Connectivity in the World's Ancient Traditions and Cultures
USA | 2010
3th Triennial International Conference: Renaissance of the Ancient Traditions and Cultures
India | 2009
Spirituality in Indigenous Cultures and Religious Traditions
USA | 2009
Indigenous Spirituality
Costa Rica | 2007
Bakhle Memorial Lecture
India | 2006
Achieving Inner and Outer Balance in the Ancient Traditions and Cultures
USA | 2006
2nd Triennial International Conference: Spirituality Beyond Religions
India | 2006
Hindu-Hopi Joint Workshop
USA | 2006
Science of Survival in the Ancient Traditions and Cultures
USA | 2005
Ancient Family Traditions of Asian, African, Latin, Hebrew and Native American Cultures & Their Relevance in Modern Times
USA | 2005
Hindu & Mayas Cultural Similarities
Guatemala | 2005
Hindu-Lakota Community Conference
USA | 2004
Haudenosaunee and Hindu Cultures
USA | 2004
Spirituality of Indigenous People
USA | 2004
1st Triennial International Conference: Mitakuye Oyasin "We are all related"
India | 2003
Indo-Romuva Cultural Conference
India | 2003
Preservation of Ancient Cultures and Globalization Scenario
New Zealand | 2002