@ University of São Paulo (USP) | June 5th-7th, 2019

Brazil’s indigenous peoples represent 305 ethnic groups, 275 languages and occupy 13% of the national territory. Since the beginning of 2019, they have been, almost daily, surprised by threats to their lands, preserved environment and way of life which represents a serious hazard to their acquired constitutional rights.
There is a clear need for a broader reflection upon these peoples’ current situation. Thus, a Forum is being organized for June 5th to 7th, 2019, that intends to recognize the indigenous issue in its specificity, study the public policies adopted over the years, and then evaluate the proposals for change implemented by the new Brazilian government.
The objective is to develop a meeting of knowledge, rethink strategies of resistance, aiming at the protection and dignified survival of these peoples, collaborating to acknowledge the diversity and value of their populations and cultures.
The Forum proposes to reflect on the demands of indigenous communities for specific health and education services, for their constitutional territorial rights, for the recognition of their cultures, otherness, social organization, their knowledge, customs, languages, beliefs and traditions.
The Forum also proposes to increase the indigenous presence in the University as to collaborate both on a dialogical construction of knowledge and on the mutual learning and exchanging of experiences in the field of interculturality.
The Forum intends to institute a proposal for a hybrid epistemology that contemplates the indigenous peoples and the academic universe, establishing, this way, an ongoing dialogue between the academic community and the traditional Brazilian wisdom.
Alternative formats of communication will be used as experiences, workshops, conferences, round-table discussions, video exhibitions, handicraft and gastronomy exhibitions, among others. There will be workshops on Art, Ritual and Indigenous Culture as well as panels for Listening and Reception.
The indigenous leaders and the scholars selected by the curator of the eminent anthropologist Maria Lucia Brant de Carvalho, in collaboration with the Organizing Committee, represent the most current thinking of the Brazilian indigenist movement. They are people who currently work in various areas with indigenous peoples, whether in the villages themselves, FUNAI, APIB, SESAI and other civil society organizations that support the survival of indigenous peoples in Brazil.
In order to bring the indigenous leaders from their respective communities to the city of Sao Paulo for this event, the Organizing Committee is looking for sponsorship towards their transportation, accommodation, and food expenses. The budget for this is $4000 USD.
Supporting this call to action will ensure that the full potential of this Forum is met, resulting in the indigenous leaders having their voices and messages heard on a platform that will be reaching out for national and international support.
The present situation in Brazil requires analysis, understanding and action so that the indigenous peoples survive in a dignified way facing the challenges that are placed upon them. The University has a pivotal role in supplying information and building fundamental knowledge to the continuous support of the contemporary country and, at the same time, its integration with the ancestral wisdom of its original peoples.
Hello everyone!
Thanks for this great support you're giving us. We're ALL ONE.
Hugo Lacerda here, speaking from São Paulo, Brasil.
Working hard for this event to happen.
Any contribution from iccs family would really make a diference now.
You guys must've heard about our new (de)government - so against indigenous nations, so against environment protection, we're finding real Hope on international support.
This event Will be the First time indigenous get an event at Communications and Art School (ECA/USP) and we are already proud of making this happen!
You may be able to watch it online.
Thanks for connecting with us!
with Love,