Sunday 22nd November | ICCS UK Online Event

Dear Community, We invite you to our 9th One Tree Gathering, a project initiated by the International Center for Cultural Studies (ICCS UK) and OBOD (the Order of Bards Ovates & Druids) to explore values shared by ancient European and Dharmic cultures. The aim of the annual gatherings is to provide a platform for our communities to exchange ideas and form relationships based on friendship, mutual understanding, and shared values where we can learn about each other, and also from each other.
This year for the first time our annual gathering will be hosted online. We will be looking at our understanding of the Cycle of Life by exploring the role of time and stories in our traditions and cultures. This is a great opportunity to take part in inspiring talks and discussions as well as to connect with like minded people.
We look forward to welcoming you to the event of building friendship between our communities and celebrating bonds and values we share.